On May 29, 2019, the 14th Jeju Forum for Peace and Prosperity was held in Jeju Island, ROK. The Trilateral Cooperation Secretariat (TCS) delegation participated and organized a session on the “Bridging Role of CJK towards Regional Peace in East Asia - Commemorating the 20th Anniversary of CJK Trilateral Cooperation.” In celebration of the 20th anniversary of trilateral cooperation, the session intended to revisit the meaning of trilateral cooperation and demonstrate an effective path for the three countries to achieve greater common good and peace in the region.
Deputy Secretary-General (DSG) HAN Mei delivered opening remarks stating the meaning of the year 2019, which marks the 20th anniversary since trilateral cooperation officially started at the breakfast meeting among the Leaders of CJK on the sidelines of the ASEAN+3 Summit in 1999. DSG Han highlighted the importance of trilateral cooperation as one of major economic blocs in the world. She further emphasized that the TCS is always ready to support and implement projects with a view to promoting peace and prosperity in the Northeast Asian region.
During the presentations, the speakers of the session shared their insights, exploring the future direction of trilateral cooperation, providing comprehensive understanding of each country’s strategic policies and identifying commonalities and collective will to tackle these concerns. The discussion among the speakers furthermore explored the long-term visions for trilateral cooperation in geo-political and geo-environmental strategic aspects.
In his closing remarks, DSG YAMAMOTO Yasushi appreciated the valuable insights on future trilateral cooperation the speakers shared during the session. DSG Yamamoto underlined the need for the three countries to examine the challenges they are facing together and to find some common factors among the respective strategies which can lay a solid ground for trilateral cooperation. He also emphasized that the TCS will continue to make efforts to enhance trilateral cooperation.
The Jeju Forum is a regional dialogue platform for discussing and sharing future visions on sustainable peace and prosperity in Asia.
Session speakers:
- SU Xiaohui, Deputy Director of Department for International and Strategic Studies, China Institute of International Studies
- CHOO Jae-woo, Professor of Kyung Hee University
- OSHITA Yoshiyuki, Independent Scholar Specializing in Cultural Policy / Executive Director of national Museum of Art, Japan
- WOO Su-keun, Visiting Professor of Shandong University and Director of the Research Institute of Peace & Livelihood
- YOU Ji, Professor and Head, Department of Government and Public Administration, University of Macau
- MATSUSHITA Kazuo, Senior Fellow of Institute of Global Environmental Strategies and Professor Emeritus of Kyoto University