On 18 June 2019, Dr. CHIANG Min-Hua, a research fellow of the East Asia Institute (EAI) of the National University of Singapore visited TCS. Deputy Secretary-General HAN Mei welcomed her and exchanged ideas on regional issues and cooperation.
Director QIAO Wen and Department of Economic Affairs had an active discussion with Dr. CHIANG on the economic relations among CJK and future prospects of trilateral cooperation. TCS introduced the organization’s history, its main functions and work areas and emphasised that the development of economic cooperation among the three parties has been gradual but steady despite the ups and downs of bilateral relations at times. Dr. CHIANG introduced EAI and its research functions and shared her views on trilateral cooperation.
TCS visited EAI in April 2019 and agreed to explore potential collaboration. The two institutions share the view that through cooperation, synergies that benefit the acceleration of trilateral cooperation can be sought for. The two will explore more mutual learning opportunities in the future.
EAI is a government-funded think-tank established in 1997 to promote both academic and policy-oriented research on East Asian development. Their research particularly focuses on the political, economic and social development of contemporary China, and its economic relations with the region and the world including Japan, Korea and ASEAN.

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