On November 6, 2019, the Northeast Asia Peace and Cooperation Forum 2019, co-hosted by the Sejong Institute and Jeju Peace Institute and sponsored by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the ROK, was held in Seoul, ROK. Mr. KANG Do Ho, Deputy Secretary-General of the Trilateral Cooperation Secretariat (TCS) attended two sessions named, 'Trilateral Cooperative Measures on Disaster Prevention and Management' and 'The Northeast Asian Olympic Relay and Trilateral Cooperation in Diverse Areas.'
He briefed about the developments and ways forward for the cooperation in disaster risk reduction (DRR) and management as well as social and cultural affairs from the perspectives of coping with common challenge. He shared his view that people-to-people exchange is one of the most important factors to push forward sustainable development between countries. Emphasizing there is a greater potential value that can improve people's quality of life by promoting various areas of cooperation, DSG KANG reaffirmed that the TCS will make further efforts that can bring benefits to all three countries. In this regard, he sought the advice of experts and scholars to boost the TCS activities.