TCS organized the 1st Working Group Meeting on CJK Joint Research on Mutual Recognition of Degrees. Participants included Dr. JING Yijia, Professor at Fudan University and Lead of Fudan University CAMPUS Asia Program, Dr. TAKENAKA Toru, Researcher at NIAD-QE and member of Japan CAMPUS Asia Joint Monitoring Committee, and Dr. CHOE Youngjeen, Professor at Chung-Ang University and member of ROK CAMPUS Asia Joint Monitoring Committee).
Prior to meeting, the Working Group members met with TCS Secretary-General LEE Jong-heon and Deputy Secretary-General YAMAMOTO Yaushi to discuss the broader context for and the significance of China-Japan-ROK education cooperation as well as the specific case of CAMPUS Asia Program.
The CJK Joint Research on Mutual Recognition of Degrees is a follow-up project of the 2nd Trilateral Education Ministers' Meeting, and TCS has been designated as the focal point for the implementation of the project.
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